Archive for the ‘Uncategorized’ Category

Southern Lights

Posted on April 1, 2010

Southern Lights

Southern Lights was an exciting book to write, and required a great deal of meticulous research. The research extended into two areas that were fascinating for me, the intricate mechanisms of the judicial system in New York, and the workings of a murder trial. And for the first time, I wrote about the American South, which has always intrigued me. I’ve always felt that it is such a special world and culture, rich in history and traditions, that one had to be from the South to write about it. But by writing about a woman from New York, who winds up there by marriage, and later returns to it by force of circumstance, I was able to explore the story and the culture and do it justice. I hope you are as excited about this book as I am. I fell in love with the characters in the book, and I really hope you will too. There are some very special people in this book, and I think it is a rich, interesting story. I learned a lot by writing it, and hope you will by reading it too. Happy reading!!!

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Taking Care of Business

Posted on March 29, 2010

Hi Everyone,

These have been busy days for me, and probably for you too. When aren’t we all busy with jobs, kids for those of us who have them, dentists, vets, cars that break down, things we need to get done? Somehow I always seem to be running in ten directions, and I do it in two cities. My life » read more »

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Posted on February 22, 2010

This is one of those philosophical musings that I share with you sometimes. Guilt. Uggghhh…..I don’t know if it’s religious based, or just human nature, but I always seem to be beating myself up about something, particularly late at night. Guilt seems to settle in like a fog bank in the dark of night. » read more »

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Goals…Old and New

Posted on February 8, 2010

Right before the first of the year, I change over from my appointment book from the old year to a nice, clean new one. I found a model that works for me, years ago, and in it, I put every relevant scrap of paper, appointment, reminder, business card, and as a result, my appointment book is hugely fat and held together with a big, fat, rubber band. My whole life is in that book! » read more »

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Come on, 2010

Posted on January 25, 2010

Hi Everybody,

Whew…well, the holidays are over, we got through them, mine were great with the kids, and we’re looking forward to another year. And to be honest for a minute, let’s hope that this year will be better than last. There were a lot of blessings in 2009, but if you’ll forgive me for whining for a minute, it was, in many ways, a hell of a year. It could have been worse, but we had our share of challenges and losses. Some of you may have read in the press that I was embezzled by a trusted employee of 16 years, » read more »

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Hall of Fame

Posted on November 30, 2009

Some of you may have read that I am being given an award by the Governor of California this week, and inducted into the California Hall of Fame. It’s an honor that I’m very grateful for, and a big event. I don’t know all the details yet, but it’s very exciting. I think it is for my writing, and my foundation work, both with the mentally ill and the homeless. And my children are impressed, which is always nice!!

There is an award ceremony, where I will get the award. And several other people will also be getting an award. It’s an honor that touches me deeply.

After I get the award, I will tell you all about it!!! I hope you had a wonderful Thanksgiving!! And thank you for sharing this exciting event with me!!!

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Fragments of Loaves and Fishes

Posted on November 19, 2009

The concept of loaves and fishes, and fragments of them, is always an important reminder for me. I was doing some religious reading this past weekend, and came across that story in the Bible again. The notion seems like a good one, that just when there seemed to be not enough food to go around, Jesus fed thousands with FRAGMENTS of loaves of bread and fishes, and thousands were fed. Not to get too religious on you, » read more »

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The Artparis Art Fair

Posted on May 21, 2009

I went to a very, very cool art fair here in Paris the other day. It’s called Artparis and happens once a year in spring. Like all art fairs, it’s a place for a variety of art dealers to show their wares in booths in a large hall of some kind. It was held in the beautiful old glass domed building called Le Grand Palais, where everything from art exhibits, to the Biennale antique fair, and fashion shows are held. The venue itself is spectacular and a beautiful setting for any show. » read more »

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Posted on May 8, 2009

I recently discovered something new when my daughter visited me in Paris. As the fashion editor of a magazine, she learns about all sorts of new places, designers, stores, and events, and often has to check them out for work. On one such venture, » read more »

Paris Inspirations

Posted on April 30, 2009

When I came home to Paris this time, I looked around my computer office. I have several places I ‘hang out’ in my Paris apartment, a cozy little red sitting room full of hearts and art I love (it’s a small room, and also where I watch movies, read, or do needlepoint, it’s my ‘cozy spot’ next to my bedroom, and I have a room similar to it in San Francisco). I have a more grown up office, where I read serious papers, and do notes on things to work on when I go back to San Francisco. And I also have a tiny little cozy space off my kitchen where my computer is, which I only use for emails. And on the walls of my computer cubby hole I have framed sayings that I love which inspire me about how to live life. I am always finding sayings I love, and instead of trying to remember them, I frame them and put them on the walls, and look at them often. And I thought I’d share some of them with you here, » read more »

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