Archive for the ‘Paris’ Category

Back to Paris

Posted on January 16, 2012

Hi Everyone,

I usually go back to Paris after spending the holidays in San Francisco with my children. I stick around for a week or two after they leave, do some work, and then head back to Paris, to enjoy some more of the winter there. January is kind of a dull month everywhere, the weather is lousy unless you live in a tropical country—it’s miserable everywhere else, people are tired after the holidays, partied out, broke after buying presents, and nothing very exciting is going on. For me, it’s a great time to work. I work hard all year, especially in winter, so I can take time off in the summer to be with my kids.  But as wintry places go, Paris is a nice place to be in January. Often, it snows, which I love, the big sales are on, which is fun if you want to find a bargain, and the big Haute Couture fashion shows are at the end of January. Many of the big designers have closed and no longer do Haute Couture, and there are only 2 houses left that do couture, Chanel and Dior, other than some new designers that have appeared. And I go to the Chanel Haute Couture shows twice a year in Paris, so I’ll be going to that and am looking forward to it. They’ll be showing their summer clothes in January. And I love » read more »

Filed Under Paris | 8 Comments

Awww……Come On!!!

Posted on November 14, 2011

As I’ve often mentioned, I love going to art fairs in Paris (or anywhere else for that matter. I went to the art fair to end all art fairs, the most illustrious one, in Basel, Switzerland last year. And have gone to fairs in London, New York, San Francisco, and LA. I thoroughly enjoy them all).  I went to three this past weekend, in Paris, one of which is very respected and highly regarded and I go every year and enjoy it. And the other two are smaller and lesser known. I enjoy the smaller art fairs a lot too. One of my passions is art, and since I still miss my art gallery, which I closed a few years ago, I love seeing what’s happening in the art world. And I still curate one show a year for a wonderful gallery in San Francisco, who very generously has me curate a show for them every year. It keeps my hand in the art world.  There is an art fair in Paris in the spring that I particularly love, but the one I just went to is a great one too. » read more »

Filed Under Art, Paris | 5 Comments

Paris in the Fall

Posted on November 7, 2011

Fall is definitely here, in Paris. Leaves are blowing around on the ground, it has been periodically very chilly, with the occasional warmer day in between. But Fall is definitely in the air. I love being here then…..and in the irresistible Paris spring……and in the snow in winter. What’s not to love in Paris??? It’s so incredibly beautiful. The buildings, the parks, the balmy weather in spring and fall, the gorgeous snow that always seems so romantic to me. » read more »

Filed Under Music, Paris, Writing | 7 Comments

The Sounds of Music

Posted on September 6, 2011

I recently had a wonderful, fun experience that I wanted to share with you. A young composer I know, and a young singer, both with great talent, contacted me early this summer and asked me if I would be willing to write lyrics for them for some original songs. Initially, my reaction was that it would be too complicated. The composer lives in Paris, the singer in London, and I float around between Paris and the States, California and New York. And I had never done anything like this before, but after some hesitation (not sure if I could do it), I decided to give it a whirl. » read more »

Filed Under Paris, Writing | 5 Comments

Leaving Paris

Posted on August 8, 2011

Hi Everyone,

Well for me, in a way, the summer holiday is over. I started somewhat early, in June, when I came back to Paris for almost two months, and it has been wonderful, seeing friends, having my kids here, doing fun things, and travelling to Italy. And the lazy summer days end all too quickly. For the first time ever, many of my kids used Paris as a base this summer, and travelled from there to other places (Holland, Germany, etc.), and some stayed in Paris longer than others, and we all went on holiday in Italy together, at a hotel, and on a boat, on our  annual boat vacation with the 5 youngest  kids. Each one brings a friend or significant other on the boat trip, but their friends stay at the house too. And it’s lively and busy while they’re here. All together, they stayed with me in Paris longer than any other summer, and some were with me for the entire month, which was great, and now I’m sad that it’s over. » read more »

Filed Under Paris, Travel | 4 Comments

Chocolate Lovers

Posted on July 5, 2011

I have had a serious chocolate habit all my life. I love dark, dark bittersweet chocolate, the darker the better. My current favorite is Scharffenberger chocolate, and I keep a couple of small bars in my handbag at all times, and stashed in my desk. I can never resist a chocolate dessert, and sometimes I use the ‘zip’ that chocolate gives me, to work late at night. Well, tonight I went to the ultimate chocolate lovers’ reunion. The Chocolate Eaters Club in Paris. Wow!!! » read more »

Filed Under Paris | 12 Comments

Paris Report

Posted on June 27, 2011

Hi Everyone, it would be very hard to top my blog about the White Dinner in Paris, which was an incredibly memorable experience and a visually gorgeous event, but I thought I should share some of the more mundane events while I’m here. And after all, let’s face it, how mundane can Paris be? Even after spending so much of my youth and childhood here, spending time here every year throughout my life, and now living here half the year for the past seven years,—-Paris never fails to take my breath away, just driving through the city, or to thrill me as I look at the sky, a sunset, the incredibly beautiful architecture and monuments, or just enjoy a Parisian moment walking down the street. It is a spectacular city, and even Parisians love their city and are never jaded to it. It is a beautiful place to visit or to live, with a quality of life that is irresistible. People in Europe really do stop and smell the roses more than Americans, with a sterner work ethic, and in Paris particularly. They work hard here, but they want to enjoy life too, which makes it wonderful to be here. » read more »

Filed Under Fashion, Paris, Shopping | 4 Comments

Paris Magic…..White Magic…..

Posted on June 20, 2011

I’ve just spent one of the most wonderful, incredible, and magical evenings of my life, and wanted to share it with you. Tonight I went to something called “The White Dinner” in Paris, I’ve heard about it for years, but never quite understood what it was. Some people I mentioned it to just brushed it off as some kind of weird outdoor summer event, others pooh-poohed it, and a few said it was great. But I didn’t really understand how it worked or what it was. And a good friend of mine in Paris has invited me to it for the last 2 years, and this year, in a spirit of adventure, I accepted and decided to go. He explained it as an evening where » read more »

Filed Under Paris | 17 Comments

Wow Chanel!!

Posted on April 11, 2011

Hi fashion fans,

Okay, so I lied—-a little. I said that my last blog, on the Givenchy (pronounced Jee-von-shee) fashion show would be my last fashion statement on fashion week in Paris. Just one more? My report to you wouldn’t be complete without telling you about the Chanel show. It’s just too good to miss sharing with you. And since it was the last fashion show I saw during Ready to Wear fashion week in Paris, you’re safe (for men who hate these reports), I really won’t be writing about another one, but HAVE to tell you about this one. It is always the best organized, most breathtaking and most impressive show. And it is massive. » read more »

More Paris Fashion: Givenchy Fashion Show

Posted on April 4, 2011

To all you guys who are nice enough to read my blog, I apologize for assaulting you with fashion reports from Paris, but just one more, okay?? Besides, as I just explained to a friend in the states, in France, fashion shows are not considered only of interest to women. The men here (in France, and Europe generally) consider these fashion shows interesting hunting grounds for ‘real’ men—-they go to ogle the models, and check out the women who go to the shows. That’s actually a pretty clever idea; there are lots of good looking women (and men) at the shows. So with all due respect to both sexes, I just thought I’d tell you about the Givenchy ready to wear show I recently saw.  It was a Wow!!! » read more »