Author Archive


Posted on February 4, 2013

Hi Everyone,

Although I write on a 1946 typewriter (that I bought years ago for $20.00 in a junk shop, and dearly love), I am nonetheless somewhat involved in the Internet, with this blog to you, a Facebook page, AND now I am going to be on Pinterest.  We have put together some very fun storyboards with pictures of Paris, where I live some of the time, San Francisco, where I also live, and New York where I spend time visiting some of my children. There are pictures that I like of things I’ve seen, or done, or places I’ve been, or things I just plain love (like sexy shoes!!). It combines my interests, the things I like to do, the places I like to be, everything from a snowy night in Paris, and the Eiffel Tower all lit up, to a sunrise in San Francisco, and jewelry I wish I owned, to my love of hearts, dogs, and kids, decorating, art, and books of course!! There is even a Pinterest board with the covers of many of my books on it (in case you’ve missed some) with a link so that you can purchase the ones you want. Pinterest is such a fun concept, and I really hope you enjoy looking at it, as much as I enjoyed putting it together for you. Follow me on Pinterest and leave me a note on this pin to tell me what you’d like to see.

Love, Danielle

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Winter Fashion Shows / January in Paris

Posted on January 28, 2013

Hi Everyone,

It’s that time of year again, the depths of winter in Paris, gray and snowy. And as I write this, it has snowed for the past 3 days, and although snow is a nuisance in any city, it is beautiful here, and I love it. And it has been VERY cold!!!

As I’ve written to you before in previous years, in January, there are the Haute Couture fashion shows. In years past, Haute Couture was a VERY big deal, the shows lasted for a week, there were many “Haute Couture” houses, and there were four or five shows a day to show the creations of the various houses. It was a flurry of fun activity running from one show to the next, with movie stars and presidential wives present, well known women on the best dressed list, and a glittering crowd with invitations to see the show. (Even now, you can only go by invitation). What distinguishes Haute Couture from other kinds of fashion is that every single item is handmade. EVERY stitch » read more »

Filed Under Fashion, Paris | 6 Comments


Posted on January 21, 2013

Hi Everyone,

I don’t usually have a lot of spare time to watch TV, because I’m always working. And evenings and night time are the best time for me to work, without interruptions, although I write during the daytime too. But my strong suit is not relaxation—I’m much better at working. I’m one of those awful people who, the moment I sit down for 5 minutes, think of all the things I should be doing, and always feel I should be working. With four or five books in progress at once, I can always think of work I need to do. And when I run out of work (editing, writing, making notes on a new outline, or doing a re-write), I then immediately get antsy and start » read more »

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Posted on January 14, 2013

I gave myself a very special Christmas gift this year. A bracelet. Not just any bracelet, it’s a bracelet that the famous French jeweler Van Cleef and Arpels made in l970. I was too young to be interested in jewelry then, but I saw one of these bracelets many years later, and have seen a few since at vintage jewelers, and because they are so rare, and were a limited edition, and have become a collectors’ item, they were out of my budget. A few months ago, my daughter who is the fashion editor of a magazine told me she had read about it, and that Van Cleef was making another limited edition of the famous bracelet, at a normal price, not the price I’d seen over the years in fancy vintage stores. And I called the store in Paris and immediately ordered one for me, and for each of my daughters. (Once again, it’s a limited edition, and I believe there are between 50 and 100 being made, and they won’t make any more after that). It’s not a fancy, jazzy bracelet, there are no diamonds on it. It’s a beautiful, very simple bracelet with a great message on it, kind of a good luck charm. I’ve always wanted it, and I love both art and jewelry that involves words, or a message. (I have a wonderful gold link bracelet with one word engraved on each link, like ‘love’, ‘laughter’, ‘harmony’, ‘friendship’, all the good things in life that make us happy.) » read more »

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You Won’t Miss the Boat

Posted on January 7, 2013

Hi everyone,

Well the New Year is underway, and I hope it’s off to a good start for you.

I was reading something the other day, and came across a little phrase that I really liked. I was reading a religious magazine, which I often do, to get back on track, or if I am stressed, tired, or feeling anxious, it reassures and relaxes me. Whatever works, for each of us. And that works for me. And as I was reading, a simple sentence jumped out at me right off the page. (The other phrase that jumped out at me and I loved was one that I firmly believe: “A good marriage is the union of two good forgivers”. I firmly believe that forgiveness is essential to any good relationship, whether romantic, familial, or even business, or between 2 friends. Forgiveness is essential). » read more »

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The Many Faces of New Year’s Eve

Posted on December 31, 2012

When my children were small, my husband John and I would let them ‘stay up til midnight’, which was Big excitement for them!! What they didn’t know was that we set our clocks ahead, and ‘midnight’ was really about 9 pm, when we would serve them ginger ale when they were really young, and later non-alcoholic champagne. They would blow horns and rattle noise-makers, jump around and ‘celebrate’, and by 10 pm (for real, although they thought it was 1 am), we would get them all in bed, and then he and I would happily fall into bed in our pajamas, eat popcorn and watch old movies on TV, and finish off the ginger ale (neither of us drank alcohol).  I had absolutely no desire to get dressed up, go out, or dance the new year in. I was totally happy at home with my husband and kids. New Year’s had never been a night that particularly appealed to me. With drunk drivers on the roads, rowdy people partying, it just never seemed like much fun to me, and I was much happier at home. » read more »

Filed Under Family, Holidays, Kids | 11 Comments

Happy Merry

Posted on December 24, 2012

Christmas. Just the word evokes so many memories. Good ones, sad ones, the excitement of Christmas as a child. Maybe more than any other, it is a word that evokes something different for each of us. The Christmas cards and snow scenes look the same, but the memories don’t. There are as many interpretations of the holidays as there are people in the world. For some, it was a magical time in their childhood and youth, and still is as adults. For others, it was bitterly disappointing as children, but has improved. For some it is the loneliest time of the year, and for others the time they most look forward to, when their family gets together.   A friend of mine remarried several years ago, she had children and so did her new husband, but their traditions were completely different, she had always overdone Christmas with lots of fun and decorations, their new family’s style was more austere, with few gifts and almost no decorations. They tried to compromise and find a middle ground on their first Christmas together, and she called me to report that all the children, his and hers, had wound up crying on Christmas Day, as one of them said in a wail, “Can’t we have a NORMAL Christmas?”  A “Normal” Christmas, or holiday, is different to each of us. Even in the same family, people have different ideas about how it should be. » read more »

Filed Under Family, Holidays, Kids | 6 Comments

Sandy Hook

Posted on December 17, 2012

Hi everyone, I am in Paris as I write this, and news and details are sparse here about the shooting in Connecticut, but we have heard of it, and everyone is saddened by it. So shocking, so sad. So unthinkable, to open fire on people, and especially children. And even more agonizing to think that the parents of those children must have been preparing for the holidays, picking gifts, planning family events, maybe talking about Santa Claus……and now they will be mourning their lost children and loved ones. A sudden, instant, turnaround of everything they hoped, believed and planned. And how will the other children ever feel safe in school again??

And sadly, this is not something we’ve never heard of, it’s not an event we are unfamiliar with. It brings instantly to mind the university shooting in Tennessee not so long ago, the terrible shooting at the Amish one room school house, and others all the way back to Columbine in Colorado. It is truly a national tragedy for us that such deeply troubled people go unnoticed, untreated and unstopped until they have taken all these young lives, and altered the course forever of the lives of those who survived it. Incredible trauma. And I dread thinking that we will hear of other events like this again one day. There have always been these terrible school and random shootings all the way back to my own youth. What rage and deep illness leads the perpetrators of these crimes to want to hurt so many, and carry out our worst nightmares on so many innocents. » read more »

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Heartfelt Thanks

Posted on December 10, 2012

Hi everyone. So many of you have written such sweet posts and good wishes to my daughter who lost her home in Hurricane Sandy, that I wanted to take this opportunity to thank you. It was a shocking, traumatic experience, and a great loss to her.  Most of all I am grateful that both of my daughters in New York are alive, and weren’t physically injured. And their dogs survived it too. But one step beyond that, there are the things we cherish, the memories attached to things we have saved or collected, and the nest we build as a safe haven from the world. Losing that haven is like having a layer of yourself ripped away, and I have watched with sadness and dismay how saddened and displaced my daughter felt when she lost her home. It’s like being a turtle without a shell. And we question ourselves for being attached to material objects, a favorite chair, a dress we loved that something important happened to you when you were wearing, photographs of beloved people that can’t be replaced, and it hurts to lose the things we love. Right or wrong, a piece of our identity is wrapped up in those things, and it is hard to lose any of that. I know that time will heal the wounds, but it was a catastrophic event for so many. And to reassure those of you who asked about my daughter, she is okay. I’m sure it is a time in her life that she will never forget, but she is grateful to be alive. As bad as it was, it could have been worse, and has been for many people, particularly those who lost loved ones. But thank you with all my heart for asking about my daughter and sending good wishes. We truly appreciate it, and I have passed your kind thoughts on to her. » read more »

When My Stomach Speaks to Me

Posted on December 3, 2012

Hi Everyone,

I had an experience recently, which was all too familiar. It’s something that happens in business sometimes, in employee/employer relationships, romantic ones, or even in families.  For me, it usually happens in human relations, and it’s a matter of hearing and following your instincts and good judgment. It’s what happens when you get new information (and not necessarily good information) in a situation. It has happened to me typically when I hire a new employee. All is hopeful at first, you’ve made what you think is an intelligent decision, after reading their resume, checking their references, maybe even comparing them to other candidates for the job, and you selected them!! All seems to be on track and you move ahead, confident in your decision…..and then three weeks later, or six weeks, something you don’t like happens, maybe just a small thing, and a yellow light goes off in your head. Caution: New information. » read more »

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