My First Blog Post

This is an important moment for me! This is the first blog I’ve ever written. It’s something I’ve wanted to do for a long time, but wasn’t sure how to do it, where, when, or even if. And finally, now here I am. People say that blogs are like a diary (do I hide it under my bed, lock it with a key? Tell it all my secrets? It seems like a wonderful place to share my thoughts with you, or what I do.) It’s going to be fun sharing my thoughts with you, outside the context of a book. So here goes….

I decided recently that I am at what the French call an ‘ungrateful’ age, i.e. a bad age. Maybe the right word is an ‘awkward’ age. But what age isn’t? People say terrible things about every age. Two year olds get a bad rap, and I’ve always found them adorable. Then there is puberty when you’re supposed to be awkward, obnoxious, have bad skin and fight with your parents. At that age, getting a pimple before a party could ruin my life. No one knows what they’re doing in their 20’s, at least I didn’t. In your thirties, you start to worry about getting old (and 30 year olds nowadays, some at least, start playing with Botox to get rid of wrinkles they don’t have yet but fear they will). And in your forties you think you are old (and aren’t). And turning fifty seemed so horrible, it nearly killed me. And everything after that has been truly scary. I got a letter the other day from an 80 year old friend who said “ah to be 70 again!” So why is it that we always think we’re the wrong age? What if we are really the right age? I think I like that idea a lot better. So maybe I’m not 15 anymore, or 24, or even 32. And maybe 40 does feel old sometimes, and 50 even scary. But there are benefits to every age, we get smarter as we get older, have more experience, get more relaxed about life, figure some things out even if it takes a few times and we make mistakes at every age. And people look great at every age these days, take care of themselves, look sexy, and have babies way later than they used to, if they want to. Every age has its beauties, victories and joys. So maybe my commitment today, on this first day of my blog, is to enjoy whatever age I am, and you enjoy whatever age you are, without feeling that you’re on the wrong side of the age fence. I think the youngest people I know are those who don’t care how old they are. And I love the saying that ‘love has no age’. So whatever age you are, try to enjoy the beauty and fun of wherever you are today. And thank you for reading my first blog!

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106 Comments so far
  1. Djamshid October 30, 2008 6:52 am

    I have read your first blog, and I want to tell you many thanks, you have write interesting blog about age. After reading your blog I have took for myself helpful hint.

  2. Janice October 30, 2008 11:12 am

    Absolutely love your books (have for years) and Congratulations on your first blog, its great to try new things.

  3. Karen (Pittsburgh, PA) October 30, 2008 11:53 am

    Ms. Steele:
    It is my humble honor in trying to respond in words worthy of you. Your books take me to worlds I wonder if I will ever travel and leave me wondering on what a sequel would have the characters doing next. Have you ever considered a sequel?
    Thank you,
    Karen, Pittsburgh, PA

  4. Karen (Pittsburgh, PA) October 30, 2008 11:55 am

    Ms. Steele:
    It is my humble honor in trying to respond in words worthy of you and your writings. Your books take me to worlds I wonder if I will ever travel and leave me wondering on what the sequel would have the characters doing next. Have you ever considered writing a sequel?
    Thank you,
    Karen, Pittsburgh, PA

  5. Ruth McKay October 30, 2008 12:59 pm

    Congratulations on starting your own blog!!As an avid reader of your books, I look forward to “dropping in” on your blog occasionally! Welcome……..

  6. Jocelyn October 30, 2008 1:31 pm


    I can’t tell you how thrilled I am that you are starting a blog! This is such a treat for everyone and I can’t wait to read more about your life and your writing process.

    Good luck and I have already bookmarked this blog!


  7. Karen Davies October 30, 2008 2:29 pm

    Dear Danielle Steel,
    I loved you’re blog,,, made me laugh
    I agree as we get older things are better
    I am 51 when i turn 50 I was Ok but 51 it was a killer for me.. I like to tell you I love all your books read all of them.. They have help be when I am down and when I am happy.. When I start one of your books I in it all day I can not put it down…Then I have to wait for your next one to come out…Keep up the blog I will be back… Thank you karen

  8. allenka October 30, 2008 2:47 pm

    Today I’ve been in a really bad mood and the age isn’t the only reason but it flew away after reading your article. I felt such airiness. Thank you, I admire your talent, your God’s gift, beauty, intellect, energy and optimizm! Remain just as you are and the best wishes to you!!!

  9. Lillian October 30, 2008 3:04 pm

    I believe to be one of your biggest fans. I have passed on to my grandson’s new wife my entire collection of your books. I wanted someone who would love and take care of them the way I did.

    At my age (73) which is just a number I want to give the things I love to those in my family who will enjoy them.

    I lost my husband eight years ago and since then I have traveled and visited friends all over the US.

    Keep writing and I will continue to read your novels.

    Love your blog.

    Best regards,

    Lillian Creger, North Carolina

  10. Alderman Jill Egizii October 30, 2008 3:41 pm

    Ms. Steele

    I think your blog is wonderful. I have recently discovered the world of blogging! My hsband was listening to a radio show last night which discussed your new blog. He asked me to send yu acopy of my manuscript I have just completed. I have written a fiction book dealing with parental alienation. Alec Bladwin and I have been working diligently on legislative reform on this issue. We recently appeared on THE VIEW together and hope to raise awareness nation wide. My book “The Look of Love” is based on my life experience. I hope that you will be willing to take a look at it and give me your opinion. Thank you for any time from your lovely family that you can spare. Always cherish your children-I never dreamed that my children would not be part of my life or that of my parents. Thank you again-Alderman Jill Egizii

  11. jenn nixon October 30, 2008 4:03 pm

    Congrats on your new blog!

  12. Tish Cohen October 30, 2008 4:12 pm

    Danielle – Love your attitude. Whenever I get anxious about my own numbers climbing I imagine my ninety-nine-year old self (I have great plans to live into my hundreds and be astonishingly spry and potty-mouthed). I’ll look back at my forties and think I was still such a youngster. All relative.

  13. Nina October 30, 2008 4:16 pm

    I absolutely agree with that. I’m 20 and do not have a clue which way i want to go. I have finished college a few years ago, doing health and social studies because i wanted to become a paramedic. But down to a slight complication, i’m unable to continue in that direction. Now i want to be a nurse in a field dealing with small children, but don’t have any qualifications in that department, back to square one. Next week i’ll probably want to go to acting school to be able to star in Eastenders ( Joke). Congratulations on you first blog, Hope your enjoying it. Hope you all enjoy Halloween as well.

  14. Kathy Booker October 30, 2008 4:23 pm

    Ms. Steel,

    I could not agree with you more. When I turned 50 it didn’t scare me because obviously the alternative is not to be alive to enjoy being 50.

    I think being 44 was a huge turning point in my life for many reasons, and I often wish I could go back and feel the empowerment I felt back then. Sometimes there are added pressures as we grow older. It’s easy to lose site that where we are now is a result of where we have been.

    I don’t lament about getting older; I move on, and with each passing day and try to capture at least one thing I’ve learned or enjoyed so I can savor it. Growing older is not a curse – it’s a blessing.

  15. Carol Shenold October 30, 2008 4:32 pm

    Love to see you blogging and added you to my favorites. I do catch myself whining about being over 65 and not being where I want with my publishing career, but then I see people twenty years older than I am and I stop (the whining) keep on writing and know that one day I will publish with a traditional print publisher. In the mean time I’m happy that I’ve managed to have two mysteries and a novella and a couple of short stories either e published or print published in the past couple of years. I’m very lucky.
    I’ve enjoyed your books since the beginning, even though I write paranormal mystery and urban fantasy more than romance. Keep up the blogging and come visit mine some day.

  16. Darla Huber October 30, 2008 4:52 pm

    I was excited to see you have a blog. It’s been great reading about “the personal you, your children and other passions. It’s nice to know that “your just like us.” I look forward to checking back to see, ‘what’s up’!
    Your books are fabulous. Some have made me laugh and some cry. You haven’t written a book I don’t like.

  17. Joann Mackewich October 30, 2008 4:53 pm

    Hi Danielle,
    I am so happy that you started this blog. I have been a fan of your writing for many years. I almost hate when I come to the end of one of your books, I am so intrigued by the characters that I want the story to go on. But then just as I finish reading one book another one is coming out. I don’t know how you do it, and I hope you never run out of stories to tell. Anyways about your blog on age.
    When I turned sixteen I planned on getting a job, a drivers license and I felt that there was nothing I couldn’t do. I ruled the world. Yeah right. Then I got married at 19, had my first baby, turned 22 and had another baby. I had three kids all under the age of 5 and I was only in my twenties. I thought to myself “What in God’s name happened?”
    Thirties were ok. I really liked those years. In my forties I had my ups and downs. Fifty I wanted to die and now I am fifty-three and realize that it is just a number. Everyone can’t believe it when I tell them I am in my fifties and I guess that is a blessing in itself.
    The funniest thing happened to me when I turned fifty. Since my twenty-ninth birthday I had been telling my daughter Michelle that I was twenty nine. Every year I was twenty nine. I never seemed to turn thirty. Every year she would ask me how old I would reply “Twenty-Nine.” So when my husband gave me a surprise party my daughter said to me…”So you are turning thirty today right mom?” Everyone laughed. So you are right, Love has no age and there are times in your life that are ageless. Love ya~

  18. Frances Dinkelspiel October 30, 2008 4:58 pm


    Congratulations on your first blog post. I am sure your fans are delighted to hear directly from you. I wanted to let you know that I have written a book about your daughter Beatrix’s great great grandfather. (He’s my ancestor as well) It’s called Towers of Gold: How One Jewish Immigrant Named Isaias Hellman Created California. It will be published by St. Martins on Nov. 11.

    As you know, Isaias Hellman was one of the greatest financiers of the late 19th ad early 20th centuries, and was instrumental in taming the financial system of the Wild West. He was president of Wells Fargo Bank when he died. Beatrix is a descendant of Hellman’s daughter, Florence Hellman Ehrman.

    Hellman’s life, and the book, is full of the type of drama that could fit into one of your novels — love, intrigue, betrayal, great wealth, huge mansions, and natural disasters.

    I hope you will look for the book.

    Frances Dinkelspiel

  19. Eve Paludan, Author October 30, 2008 10:00 am

    I grew up on your novels and I love them! My favorite is an oldie, Messages from Nam. I must have read that book at least twenty times. I think it’s your best. It makes me cry every time I read it.

    I’m so glad you started a blog! Welcome to the blogosphere.

  20. Mauro Sanchez October 30, 2008 10:14 am

    Congratulations on the launch of your blog.

  21. Brock Martin October 30, 2008 10:37 am

    We are HUGE fans of Danielle Steel. Thank you for finally diving in to writing a blog! One suggestion… could you caption some of the photos so that we could better identify your dogs and family? Thanks so much.

  22. Shirley Simpson October 30, 2008 10:48 am

    I have read every single one of your books and consider you my favorite author. I just got A good woman and plan to start reading it this weekend. Please continue writing. Since I am only a year older than you, I plan to read your books for the rest of my life.

  23. Julie T. October 30, 2008 10:59 am

    Dannie, God bless you!! Thank you so much for this blog you wrote. It lifted my spirit up. I am 36, and feel very stiff, log-like (not neccessarily old) just as if im wasting time in my life. The days dance by, and im waiting for *it*, or *something to happen*. I can’t explain it in words. However; thank you again, although i will not throw away my olay regenerist..haha, I have read a book or two by you, however i know tons of people where your name(and books) are a monthly topic!! Your loved by many, and i wanted to say that i loved your first blog, good job!! I have never wrote one before, I think I would spill all my secrets, and then what would my ‘skeleton closet’ be used for then? haha… well just wanted to say, keep up your blog work, & thank yoU!!
    your sister in Christ,
    Julie T.

  24. Marga de Boer October 30, 2008 11:20 am

    Dear Danielle,

    congratulations on your first blog!
    So much fun for all your readers (including your many fans in The Netherlands and Belgium).

    Warm wishes
    Marga de Boer – Sijthoff publishers, Amsterdam The Netherlands

  25. Jay Hall October 30, 2008 11:21 am

    Great article about aging! I am having this exact experience and thoughts about aging. But one must look forward to getting old because if you keep living, you will get old. I enjoy the beauty and fun day-by-day.

  26. James Borton October 30, 2008 11:47 am


    So happy to read that you are no longer a confirmed “luddhite.” Have always been an ardent fan and have never forgotten your generous and welcoming friendship during my halcyon days spent in San Francisco. I am still a correspondent living in Hong Kong but have taken an academic appointment here in beautiful South Carolina.

    I am sure your legions of fans will welcome your views in this blog. Keep it up. Perhaps one day soon, we might have coffee when I am next in SF.

    James Borton

  27. budd howell October 30, 2008 11:48 am

    Just another thank you for how happy you made an elderly reader of your work. My friend Berneice Titlow died at the age of 103 in her own home in Arcata, California. At my suggestion, you sent her a very nice letter on her 100th birthday which she cherished more than the pro forma letters she got from the President and the Governor!
    Thanks again for that act of kindness!

  28. Hope Tarr October 30, 2008 12:05 pm

    Dear Danielle,

    Congratulations on your first (hopefully of many) blog posts. I joined the blogging band wagon about a year ago and while I don’t blog ever day, my couple of times a month has grown to several times weekly. Sometimes I can’t seem to blog quickly enough. And now whenever anything of note happens, be it wonderful or whacky, I shrug and say, “Well, at least it’s something to blog about.”

    And thank you for your upbeat message on aging. I live in Manhattan and it helps to be reminded that surpassing 25 doesn’t make you “old” just as not being a super model doesn’t make you Ugly Betty. I don’t know if 40 really is the new 30, but for sure we have a great deal more opportunities for looking good and feeling great than our mothers and grandmothers did. And you always look lovely at every age.

  29. Robyn S October 30, 2008 12:10 pm

    I’ve always felt that age is truly just a number. We all grow older, its a part of life. We can’t change it, so rather than waste precious time fighting it, why not just embrace it and accept the inevitable? We are all truly beautiful in our own way, regardless of our age.

    I truly enjoy your books and look foward to each new one. Congratulations on your blog ! ! ! !

    Robyn S

  30. Susan October 30, 2008 12:41 pm

    I loved reading your blog. Congratulations. By the way, I also love your books. Just ordered the latest.
    Thanks for being you.

  31. Mauricio Pineda Drpic October 30, 2008 12:43 pm

    Hi, what an honor to write to a writer. I am 41 and have made some life changing decisions that leave me wondering if everything is going to be alright. It was easy when I was 20, taking risks and believing that I was on top of it all. I look back and see that I just didn’t know anything about life, except to go forward and not look back. Now I look back and don’t want to make the same mistakes. Now I think twice about moving forward and that is what is keeping me back. So I made a decision to pretend that I know nothing, so that I can take those risks. 2008 is a year of starting over from zero and each time I do that, it seems to weigh so heavy. This is the Fourth time I have started over from absolute zero. I can’t go back to that powerful youth, but I can try to have that mentality to just go for it. I can tell my kids that their youth is fleeting and that they should not take it for granted. They know that time is on their side and that now is the time to act, because I remind them all the time. The past is just a memory and the future a dream. The present is what counts no matter what age.
    Keep on keeping on.
    Peace, from Moe.

  32. Flora Perea October 30, 2008 12:57 pm

    I was very happy to learn that you had posted your first blog yesterday. I just finished reading it and found it very interesting.

    I am a 74 year old mother of 3, grandmother of 9 and great grandmother of 2.

    I have been reading your books for many years and I have enjoyed all of them. I just finished reading Rogue and thought it was great.

    Keep up the good work!!

  33. Holly P October 30, 2008 1:08 pm’s an honor to be the first to post a comment. I am so excited to see that you will be sharing more about yourself here! I absolutely LOVE reading your books…as a matter of fact, I’m in the middle of Honor Thyself right now. Thank you for blogging…and I look forward to reading!

  34. margaret larson October 30, 2008 1:18 pm

    like your blog. just to let you know i am 83 and i only think about it when I see the number!! I am only about 70 in my head. I really would like to take a frieghter around the world, but they say I an too old. Not too old to put ion 18 holes of golf!!! So who decides when one is too old?

    nargaret Larson

  35. Penny Sansevieri October 30, 2008 1:29 pm

    Hello Ms Steel and welcome to the blog-o-sphere… blogging isn’t always easy I know (I teach blogging to authors) but it’s a great way to promote your work and get in touch with your readers – I’m glad to see you’re here.

    Love your work – keep writing & good luck with the blog, Penny

  36. Diana October 30, 2008 1:49 pm

    Welcome to blogging! It is alot of fun.

  37. Anthony James Barnett - author October 30, 2008 2:11 pm

    Welcome to the blogosphere. I’ve been a fan of yours for ever. Thanks for so much pleasure.

    I’m relatively new to blogging myself, but I was advised by an old hand that, ‘the first sentence is the worst. After that it all falls into place.’

    All the best


  38. Jinni October 30, 2008 2:23 pm

    Congrats on your first post. Blogging is immensely fun and can clear the little things out of your mind, making writing that much easier.

  39. Michelle (MG) October 30, 2008 2:23 pm

    I just wanted to say welcome to the blogosphere. I really enjoyed reading about your family. What a fascinating life you’ve led! I remember devouring your books as a teenager and now I’m trying to write my own. I look forward to reading more of your posts. 😀

  40. Cheryl Kaye Tardif October 30, 2008 2:29 pm

    Dear Danielle:

    Welcome to the blogging age–or should I say “craze”? I am sure you’ll find that it is very rewarding (and somewhat addicting!) in so many ways.

    As an author and a huge blog advocate, I love that I am in touch with readers on a more personal level. It’s a great way to give them “inside information” and a piece of you that they wouldn’t normally get from reading one of your books. (And by the way, I am a huge fan of yours!)

    I enjoyed your first post. I’m 45…halfway between feeling old and being terrified. People keep telling me that 50 is the new 40. What does that mean exactly? One thing I do know is that my life hit a major turn for the better at 40, so if 50 IS the new 40, I’m hoping for another major turn. 🙂

    That’s when it helps to have older friends. I sent a copy of my novel Whale Song to Olive, the world’s oldest blogging granny. She was 108 before she died. 108, and she blogged with the help of a good friend. Don’t you feel young now? In the blogging world, you could be considered a “baby”. lol

    Stay young. You always look it!

    All the best in success!

    Cheryl Kaye Tardif,
    author of Whale Song (my blog)

  41. Lupe Donnelly October 30, 2008 4:00 pm

    I have been a fan of all your books for many years. You have been an inspiration to so many people. Thank you so much for launching this website and continuing to be an inspiration in so many ways.

  42. Lisa October 30, 2008 4:45 pm

    I agree Danielle. It seems that I feel a bit more knowledgable in my 40s than in my 20s. I have 6 children and half are grown now and I find I am a different Mom with the younger one’s. More relaxed in a way but also more assured of myself. I heard a quote the other day , I think it was on the movie Hope Floats and I wrote it down because it meant something to me, it went like this..Beginnings are sometimes scary and endings are sometimes sad, but its the middle that counts…Love your books and Im sure I will love your blog as well…

  43. June P October 30, 2008 8:53 pm

    You just made my day! I am living the “love has no age” saying. I am 51 and have been going with a 24 year old for over a year. Many frown but that saying is so true. Never in a zillion years did I think something like this would happen, but when two people are happy together, who is the judge! Our relationship has opened my eyes to the many couples struggling today (bi-racial, too young, too old, etc, etc) of whom society often frowns upon. Another great saying is “we’re as young as we feel.” May we all stay forever young, and you are truly a beautiful, creative woman whose books have helped me through a lot of dark days just knowing I had your books to come home to. Thanks for being you. Stay beautiful inside and out!

  44. JoAnne October 30, 2008 10:31 pm

    Well your first blog was absolutely beautiful just like everything else you write. I could never figure out how old you are from your pictures. You have always looked so elegant. I hope that you enjoy your age and ill try to do the same. It shouldnt be too hard since im only 23 but sometimes it feels ridiculous.

  45. Yara October 31, 2008 12:40 am

    I just want to say that I’m glad I have an opportunity to read your blog. Thank you!
    And I also want to say some words about your first article – I think it’s important to understand all the benefits of every age, but most of all it’s important for everybody to feel yourself comfortale in every age – I mean to feel young. Do you think so?
    Thanks =)

  46. Peter (21) October 31, 2008 1:11 am

    I just came across your blog and must say, that these day it’s essential for people to read something that makes a specific sense for them. And aging, beuty and feelings of loneliness are really surrounding us every day… you really have something to say. I just have read about this blog in newspapers in the Czech Republic – an Im glad that I’ve found you… sharing and beliveing. So nice… thanks

  47. Mary LA October 31, 2008 5:41 am

    In Africa women are appreciated at any age and their wisdom respected.

    Older women enjoy sex and nobody minds weight, because healthy glowing women of any shape and size are welcome.

    Danielle, I love the warmth and intensity of your writing, it is accessible anywhere.

    Love and hugs

    Mary LA

  48. Karen O'Keefe October 31, 2008 6:37 am

    I’m a huge fan and have read all of your books. I was really excited to hear about your new blog site. I will be a faithful reader of your blogs and look forward to them.

  49. Ruslan October 31, 2008 7:44 am

    Thank you for your creativity! Very glad that you have a blog. Greetings to you from Ukraine!

  50. Sasha White October 31, 2008 10:45 am

    Congratulations on your first blog. It was wonderful. As someone nearing 40 , I have to say I do think about it more than I’ve thought about other ages, and yet, I still feel so very young. I truly feel age is a state of mind…and okay, sometimes body. LOL

    Either way, welcome to blogland!

  51. Patti October 31, 2008 12:32 pm

    WhooHooo ~ Not as frightening as you thought I bet! A sincere Thank YOU for many years of sharing your gift with us. The Promise remains my favorite 🙂

  52. lauren moore October 31, 2008 3:48 pm

    happiness is as a butterfly,which when pursed,is always beyond our grasp,but which if you will sit down quietly,it may alight upon you.

    lwinmo{the desert ponderer}

  53. Lonnie Bradrick October 31, 2008 3:58 pm

    When I heard you were going to have a blog I just had to look it up. I have never read anyone’s blog before. I have read every book you have written, so I had to read you blog.
    You books let me escape from everyday life. I can barley put one down once I start to read it. I will have to visit here often.

  54. Shirley Cook October 31, 2008 8:02 pm

    Love the blog idea. Since you brought up age – I cried when I turned 25 to me I was an antique. Thirty wasn’t bad at all but I did reflect on the differences between my mother and I at that age. Turning forty was good. This year I turned 50 and it was like a whole new life started for me.

    Wow, nine kids? They are a blessing. I had six myself. Only one is a joker – don’t know who he got it from.

    I am looking forward to reading and posting on your blog.

  55. Barbara Phelps November 1, 2008 7:19 am

    Hi: I have admired you for many years. One can feel the love you have for your children. You do have a beautiful family. I have read all of your books and they are all lined up in one of our bookcases in our rec room. I just purchased the last one and will be waiting for the next. I love that you started a blog. Thanks for many happy hours of reading. Fondly, Barbara

  56. Nanci Titus November 1, 2008 9:34 am

    I have enjoyed reading your books for years. I look forward to each new one. My husband built me a bookcase that holds all your hardcover books I collect. I have shelves of your books displayed. Continue writng great books!Glad you will be blogging now. I look forward to reading your bolgs and great books.

  57. Thomas November 1, 2008 11:43 am

    Welcome to the wierd world of bloging.

    My wife is a huge fan of you and your books. Im not. *lol*.

    Greetings from Sweden!

  58. barb November 1, 2008 12:51 pm

    i have everyone of your books… and congratulations on your first blog! I’m very excited to be able to talk with you now.and i mean i have every book!! i Love all your books and you! Thanks, Barb

  59. Terri DuLong November 1, 2008 5:38 pm

    Welcome to the world of blogging! I also grew up as a young mom in the 60’s reading your books. You were one of the authors “back then” that inspired me to pursue my own love of writing. And yes, age is merely a number. Because finally at age 61, I’ve realized my dream and secured a two-book contract with Kensington.
    I look forward to reading your blog and following your latest activities.

  60. Kraka November 2, 2008 2:31 am

    Wellcome to the bloggers world! I have read many of your books and I will follow your blogg.
    If yoy like, you can look at some pictures in my blog. I write in my own language so it might be difficult for you to read.
    Good luck with your new blogg! Remember: age is just a number not who you really are.

  61. JO November 2, 2008 6:07 am


    I just read about your blog in the newspaper and had to check it out.

    I enjoy reading your books and I knew your blog would be fantastic as well.

    I’m a reporter/writer and PR executive here in Charleston, SC and you have inspired me to start my own blog. 😉


    Producer/Reporter “ONLY in the LowCountry”
    Executive Director of Public Relations,

  62. Christina November 2, 2008 7:28 am

    It is really encouraging to read your blog and to look at the pictures of you. You look fabulous! I have just turned 60 myself and try to tell myself that this is the best age ever. You encouraged me to like my own age.

  63. Jeanne Dhillon-Aguilar November 2, 2008 1:21 pm

    It was a sunny afternoon, summer of 1987. My husband and myself had just married that January. We bought a small home on a quiet neighborhood. Mostly older residences with gardeners. I had recently gotten to know my neighbor, Charlene, who had just turned 60 years old that May. Her husband had died that spring and she was left alone with her adopted son. And it was during a conversation with Charlene, that she told me about a wonderful book she had just read. It was by an author named Danielle Steel and it was titled, Remembrance. Charlene insisted I take her book and read it. I opened it up that night and started to read the first page. I had never read a book that captured me in the first page like this book did. As I read it I could not even put it down and read it within the week. I have been hooked on your books ever since and read nothing but your books. My bestfriend and I formed our own book club. We read your books, same book, together. Just the two of us and we named it R Book Club. Thanks from both of us for the continous hours of enjoyable, relaxing reading.

  64. P. L. P. November 2, 2008 4:38 pm

    Nice reflection about age ^_^.

    I completely agree about the age issue.

    I’m 17 going to be 18 on Election Day, and even though everybody is like “OMG! You are going to be an adult” I don’t think two days will make me in anyway different.

    I’m very happy you aren’t limiting yourself because of your age.

    Have fun! 🙂

  65. Diane Kacvinsky November 2, 2008 5:08 pm

    I totally agree with you. I am almost 51 years old and I take several ballet classes weekly with young kids. They are in their early 20’s. They don’t mind me being in their classes, and I believe it keeps me active which in turn keeps me from feeling old. Anyone of these kids could be my own, but they aren’t, they are just kids who enjoy my company. We are only as old as we feel. My goal for the past 4 years is to get on pointe shoes. That dream is going to happen this winter. What a great Christmas present to myself. I have those kids to thank for helping me keep that dream alive.

  66. Connie Buchanan November 2, 2008 7:05 pm

    This will be wonderful to learn more about you through your blogs. I love every one of your books and am also a faithful fan of yours. As soon as they are released I buy them, upsetting my hubby as he plans to always get me one for my birthday in July & one for Christmas, but I always get them before he gets a chance too. Reading your books is one thing I can do for myself, by myself. It is such a joy for me to do so. Because once I start a book I cannot put it down. So it’s like going to a spa for the day! The greatest mental relaxation for me. I just can’t wait to read a new novel by you. I love the way you are able to take a reader to a different lifestyle and make us feel as if we are actually there.

    After reading the new book I used to share it with my Grandmother who also loved your books. This is the first time I will not be able to do that, as she passed away a couple months ago.

    I’m 36, and have 4 children. One of which has behavior disabilities, so after reading His Bright Light and learning what you dealth with, I tell myself, “I can do it”. You are an inspiration.

    I hope I can learn from you and someday write a book of my own about my family. I have a very unique family history and have always wanted to take the opportunity to share with others. It has had a lot of ups and down through the generations. It would make wonderful reading material if I could only find a way to share it.

    I look forward being able to join your blog on a regualr basis. Thank you!


  67. Connie Buchanan November 2, 2008 7:10 pm

    Regarding your blog on age… I’ve had this joke since I turned 29, that I wasn’t having anymore birthdays, only anniversaries of my 29th birthday. I refused to turn 30. So when someone asks me how old I am, I reply 29… I just celebrated my 7 anniversary of my 29th birhtday.

    I have a younger sister, who I now tell everyone she is older than I am now, I still haven’t hit 30. lol

  68. June Cooper November 3, 2008 8:26 am

    Writing a book or writing a blog, you are number one in my book. I have everybook you have ever written and can’t wait to get to the store to buy you new ones when they come out. They are so easy to read as they flow so well through out the story. My husband has just written a book and it is to be published in the fall of 2009 by one of the top publishers, so I know how many hours you spend writing and rewriting. It is our first so I know we had to do more rewriting than you have to do now. God bless and keep on writing. We are only as old as we feel and I am 71 but I don’t feel that. I only realize my age when I look in a mirror. Had mirrored walls in the bathroom, but took them all down and hung wallpaper. JC

  69. Sheila Boston November 3, 2008 11:45 am

    Dear Danielle, For years you have been my favorite author. Your are the only author that I have collected every single book you have written, and trying to get all the movies you have put out. I have a bookcase of only your books. Please don’t ever quit writing. I love to sit on quite Sundays and watch your movies over and over again. That is when I am not bombarded with grandkids. Fine Things is my most favorite book of all but I really love them all. Thanks again for many hours of wonderful reading.
    Sheila Boston

  70. Anne Whitfield November 3, 2008 6:01 pm

    Congratulations on starting your blog. Blogging isn’t always as easy as it sounds.

    Your post on age was very good and believable. Thank you.

    Take care.

  71. Chris Bilby November 3, 2008 9:17 pm

    Miss Steel, thanks for your books, they take me to places that I’ve never been before. And age is growing up with your kids like I did, and having ups and downs with all of them!! But I wouldn’t give it up for anything!!!!! So, thanks again for everything!!!

  72. marjorie webber November 5, 2008 10:39 am

    i have just about everyone of your novels read them all congratulations on your first blog hope to read many moremarjorie from ohio

  73. Mimi November 6, 2008 1:23 am

    Danielle, I love what you just wrote. Simply inspiring especially for a woman like me, at 44, turning 45 next year, experiencing with insomnia every now and then but still get break-outs once in a while (can you imagine it at my age??). Do continue with your blog. Love, Mimi

  74. Maria Cecília November 7, 2008 2:56 pm

    I liked very much your first blog.I have been reading your books for so long,more than fourteen years.I love all of them.I didn’t know which one is the best.All of them are wonderful!I have a daughter whose name is Danielle,after you.I live in Brazil,in Belo horizonte.I had lived in USA in Boulder, Colorado and studied at the university there.I am so glad that you have a blog now and we can share some ideas.

  75. Robbie November 10, 2008 2:52 am

    Hello Danielle. I am sure there is nothing I can say to you that hasn’t already been said 10 times over! And I believe in my heart you are a godsend to us all to make our lives happier! Not a day goes by that I dont read a few chapters of one of your books. One can only dream of having a talent like yours! When I was in high school I tried writing but the other kids made “fun” of me because I was different. Little did I know then that yes I was different and should have stuck with it and ignored their little minds. Oh the things we learn as we get older right? What I lost because I wanted to be just like every one else.
    Oh well, enough boring you now. I do have one thing to ask you about tho. It seems like most all your heroins have long, blonde hair. Maybe us readers with other colored hair wouldnt feel so un bad if some of them having long sleek shiny black, or maybe beautiful, shiny honey colored brunette hair, and so on? hehehe Just a thought to you beautiful Lady even tho your not blonde! hehehe Thank you for sharing all you talent with us! Robbie Smith

  76. Luretta Metheny November 13, 2008 2:02 pm

    I will be 72 in Jan. 2009. Whatever age I am I always feel is the right age for me. I would not go back and change a thing my my life. MY husband passed away at the you age of 39 years old. I finished raising our 3 kids and feel like I’m stronger because of that. Right now I LOVE being old. I love “senior discounts”, being treated with respect in stores etc. I don’t remember at what age I started reading Danielle Steel books but I have every one you’ve ever written. I just can’t seem to let go of them. I told my kids that is my legacy to them………Luretta, with a “U” in Oklahoma

  77. nirePleanna November 18, 2008 12:16 pm

    Good site! Successes in future

  78. Dorothy Klein November 19, 2008 5:16 pm

    I am very excited to be able to read about you, your life, and dreams. As I finsihed reading this, the age part really caught my attention. My Mother once told me she never felt OLD until at a birthday party for her we had a banner wishing her a Happy 90th birthday. I use to tell her, age is only two numbers, turn them around and it doesn’t feel so bad. I work at aqn assisteed living place, this is what I tell some of the residents, and thye sjust love to hear that. I have been a fan of yours for years and I have all of your books, I think, I will compare the list here to my library of DS books. Keep it up!! And you are so right about the feelings you have for your children, I am totally with you on that, I have 5. God Bless you and yours.

  79. nikita November 20, 2008 2:15 am

    hello maam,

    i m an ardent fan of yours in india, i love reading ur books, though i dont own any books of yours , but i do love them. just wanted to tel u that i get very attached to your books. all i want to say is keep up the good work

  80. Nancy Lateer November 20, 2008 3:29 pm

    Danielle, I love your books. I read all of them. They put in a good moods. And now I read your blogs. Keep writing, don’t stop. Tell me when the next one is coming out. Thank you. Nancy

  81. deessylilmeva November 26, 2008 5:18 pm

    hi there!
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  83. Bolaji Oluwatoyin December 2, 2008 4:22 am

    Hi, Danielle,
    I’m quite happy today to read about those special parts of your life which you have shared in this website.

    I used to think having so many children tiresome considering several factors in the country i come from e.g. economic factors, medical facilities, etc. but i have to say reading what u’ve written about them make it all interesting.

    I wish i can have as much as 10 children but sincerely its just a wish because i dont think i can cope with the stress.

    i notice that most of your books are usually centered around tragedy. why is that so?

    Most times when i read a particular book of yours, i feel like seeing you at that particular time and spanking you for making them go through so much pain. It is usually painful.

    All the same, i still love you and your books and will continue to read them as long as i can lay my hands on them whether they make me cry, laugh or whatever.

    Love u.

    Will love to meet you sometime.

    Bolaji Oluwatoyin
    Lagos, Nigeria

  84. Bolaji Oluwatoyin December 2, 2008 4:25 am

    Hi, Danielle,
    I’m quite happy today to read about those special parts of your life which you have shared in this website.

    I used to think that having so many children considering several factors is tiring but i have to say rthat reading what u’ve written about your children make it all interesting.

    I wish i can have as much as 10 children but sincerely its just a wish because i dont think i can cope with the stress.

    i notice that most of your books are usually centered around tragedy. why is that so?

    Most times when i read a particular book of yours, i feel like seeing you at that particular time and spanking you for making those characters go through so much pain. It is usually painful.

    All the same, i still love you and your books and will continue to read them as long as i can lay my hands on them whether they make me cry, laugh or whatever.

    Love u.

    Will love to meet you sometime.

    Bolaji Oluwatoyin
    Lagos, Nigeria

  85. Jennifer Miller December 22, 2008 8:17 am

    I thank you for writing fans a “diary blog”, Danielle.

    I am only beginning the battle against time. I hope in twenty years, I will be as beautiful as you are. Five years ago, I began stocking the bathroom cabinet with Neutragena products. I agree with your wisdom, “people who look great at every age, take care of themselves, look sexy, and have babies way later than they used to, if they want to.” I reduce daily stress with a bicycle ride, and a few hours on the Word program. Not all women I’ve met know how to quit obsessing over the number of years they’ve been on this earth, and so God bless you for spreading the word self-value is more important than age.

  86. Catherine January 12, 2009 3:02 pm

    Hi my name is catherine. My grandmother Jacoba is one of your BIGGEST fanes. Her favoret book is Echoes. I am starting to read the book today! I am probley the onley 11 year old who reades your books. no afenses:) I am starting to learn about you. You seam like a vary nice person. i wish you could go to narrowsburg ny to meet my grandmother. She would ask you alot of questions. If you can come here. You probley have no time to thoug. Ihope you do!!!

  87. Catherine January 12, 2009 3:07 pm
  88. kookimebux February 1, 2009 12:55 pm

    Hello. And Bye. 🙂

  89. Kimberly Bonano Alvarez July 28, 2009 1:32 pm

    It’s true though; sometimes as we get older, we feel forgotten; I’m only 46, but I already often feel forgotten, like I’m too old to be vital/interesting… but, I do realize that there is always hope… Let me tell you about my mom who lost my dad to cancer after 40 years of marriage:

    She was only 60 and so alone for 10 years, but then she got a pop-up on her computer for a free subscribtion to for two weeks! Normally, she would have never done that, but since it was free, she thought, “What the heck?!” Well, there was a gentleman in cyberspace who received the same pop-up for a free subscribtion, and thought the same thing, “What the heck?!” The rest is history! They met three years ago, both at the age of 70 and have been having the time of their lives! They’ve gone to Ireland together, Hawaii several times, the Grand Canyon, Hearst Castle, and more! So, yes, at any age, there is still HOPE! 🙂

  90. Kajol Bangera December 15, 2009 3:44 am

    i loved ur blog.. i’m planning to start blogging. but didnt have any idea what to write..
    so i searched for some ideas on google and i came across ur blog. n i loved it! thnx so much.
    ur blog has been such an encouragement to write.
    i read even otber “my first blog” posts.. n people were witty, showin off their vocab [TOO MUCH, I TELL YOU!].
    your blo was straight from the heart!
    thank u again,
    first time blogger,

  91. online stock trading guru January 10, 2010 5:17 pm

    Hey, I found your blog in a new directory of blogs. I dont know how your blog came up, must have been a typo, anyway cool blog, I bookmarked you. 🙂

    I’m Out! 🙂

  92. ginger January 17, 2010 1:51 pm

    dear ms. steel thank you for all of your books expescially the one of your son. i love reading your books. i to suffer from bipolar disorder. i am 34 years old. i read your book when i was 25 or 26 when i read your book the story of nick trumen. reading it mad me sad for you . my mom has went through things almost as simliar as your story but reading your story touch me in a different way in thought about it from my own mothers eyes thanks for the story. and please keep writting it the only thing that i can actully keep my mind focused literly. thanks agin write me personally in a email and i would love to learn more about your story with your son. my mother is a graet inspration in my life so i know that you were nick’s. lots of love ginger

  93. Manoj Arora August 3, 2011 5:01 pm

    Ms. Danielle Steel,

    I guess I’m a little late. However, I haven’t read any of your works but have heard a lot from you. Infact I ordered a few of your books today and was reading about you when I found this. You write awesome. And the main thing is- I have just created my own blog.! I haven’t written anything, but I will, surely. Lotsa love, and I will be waiting for your works. I’m pretty sure I’ll like it.

    Manoj Arora,

  94. susanne November 17, 2011 11:47 am

    Dear Danielle,

    My mom would sit up all night reading your books,myself Im not that big of a reader but I did make a goal to read one book, now i want to write a book just one you have inspired so many people myself being one of them I started a blog as well the computer is a very addictive thing if you could give me any pointers on writeing my book that would be great.I am a mom of a 6year old daughter and 14 month old twins I stay at home to take care of them and thats about it well there’s more but I wont bore you with all that thank you for taking the time to read my comment

  95. wall stickers for kids December 12, 2011 12:54 am

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  96. Lucio Langness January 11, 2012 3:25 pm

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  97. Jennifer BIG FAN August 31, 2012 1:02 pm

    In 2009 – Matters of the Heart, I loved how you captured the effects of being with a sociopath. I am glade she got out. My favorite book will always be No Greater Love, I am still looking for mine. I hope you all the best! Warm Regards!

    Would you ever concider writing text books for college, because some of the books are sooooooooooooooo badly writen!!! :/
    your talent for discribing, just about anything is such a GREAT GIFT!!! and I would love to read a text book in college that in not soo boring… lol thanks for bolging!

  98. Tolgahan April 14, 2014 10:13 am

    My sister’s kepeer. My sister’s kepeer is an amazing book!! I am reading it right now and am almost done. There are only positive things to say about this book. However, there are cuss words in this book, just so you all know. If you are looking for an amazing book, then I would recommend this book to everyone!! I am ,like, in love with this book <3 . If you need a book to read to meet your A/R goal then I would read this book. This book is a little bit longer, but it is totally worth it!! This book is 18.00 points. And I believe it is a 5.6 range, but I could be wrong. Thank you for reading this!! Leave a comment

  99. Debbie O'Brien September 8, 2017 2:56 pm

    If you could see my book case! It’s full of Danielle Steel Books! Love love love! I just read the newest “The Right Time” and it’s one of her best!!!! As always , I couldn’t put it down and sad for it to end!!!

  100. Eileen McNally September 27, 2017 6:56 am

    Enjoying the hell out of Life Lessons in
    Fall issue of Porter- while traveling in Monte Carlo…Merci Beaucoup… feeling the benefit
    Of every age…

  101. Penelope Payne January 22, 2020 5:07 pm

    Wonderful! I love it when someone whom others actually listen to says something that truly matters. So many in this world begin their sentences with “I’m too old to…” That is so silly. Ever notice the people that we are ALL amazed by are the ones that seemingly have no idea what their age is? Bravo, Danielle, for making this ur first blog!

  102. Alan Robbert December 23, 2020 10:47 pm

    It always felt that age is only a number. We all grow older, & cannot change it, so we should not waste precious time, just embrace it. Everyone is truly beautiful differently, regardless of our age. This should also be taught to our children by parents, so they don’t face all of this in their life. Our Children should enjoy their life fully till end.

    I truly enjoy your books. Congratulations on your blog ! ! ! !

  103. Lacey Marris October 24, 2022 6:10 pm

    I think danielle is to old to be relevant on romance novels. 68 year olds definitely don’t understand dating even in the 2000’s

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