The Best is Yet to Come
Hi Everyone,
Like everyone else, I get down in the dumps sometimes, with life’s up and downs (and sometimes more downs than ups). And we all have our ways of dealing with it, and how we pull ourselves out of a slump….talk to a friend, indulge ourselves for a while (sometimes I go shopping when I’m feeling sorry for myself…buying shoes can cheer me up). Other times, it takes more effort to rev our engines up again. When a slew of things knock us down, it can take a while to get back up. And although it’s not for everyone, I’ve mentioned before that I’m religious. That’s a very personal choice, and it works for me, and keeps me afloat, on a daily basis, and particularly in bad times. I don’t sell it to anyone, it just works for me. I’ve been married to an atheist, and a non-practicing Catholic, and I’ve never expected anyone (not even my children) to follow what I do. It is an entirely personal choice. So I’m not selling it to you either.
A few years ago, while staying in a hotel in New York, I flipped through the channels of the TV and came across a young minister doing a TV show. He was from Texas, but it wasn’t religion of the bible-thumping variety. But just a very positive, practical view of life, which really touched me—and would have made sense even without religion. It was a way of looking at things, of focusing on the positive, rather than the negative, and being grateful for what’s right in our lives, rather than dwelling on what’s wrong. I loved what he said. His name was Joel Osteen. And not long after, again while travelling, and walking through an airport, I saw a book he’d written and bought it. The book became a #1 bestseller, and I loved it. It was that same warm, practical, positive philosophy I’d seen and heard when I saw him on TV.
I just finished his third book today, and I loved this one too. He reminds one that even if your life seems to be in the pits right now—-any minute it could turn around. Your health could improve, you could get a better job, your marriage might get better, or you may finally find the man or woman you’ve been looking for. What he gives in his books is Hope, something I think is so essential in life. And it’s easy to lose hope sometimes, we’ve all done it. I have. Maybe you have too. When things just get so bad, you think you can’t stand it anymore. The death of someone you love, the end of a marriage, a bad divorce, money troubles, a child you are desperately worried about, or a serious health problem, or even a slew of smaller problems that add up, or a failed romance, or you’ve just had too many disappointments in your life. Or sometimes just an overlay of gray on your life. We forget that things could, might, and will get better again, that things will shift and improve. I forget that anyway, when things are looking bleak, and they have at times, I think it’s ‘all over’, and it will be that way forever. In his books, Joel Osteen gently turns you around to see a different view, a different side of things, a better perspective. His books really work for me. They pull me right out of the dumps and get me back on my feet and headed in the right direction. Even without the religious aspect or inspiration, his positive philosophy really does make sense, and gives me hope, and the tools and inspiration to look at things more positively again.
When I finished his book today, I had the same feeling of hope I had after reading his other books….and I found myself thinking….Yeah, I really CAN do it….yes, it will be okay….and that the knotty problem of the moment could and will improve. He reminds you that your dreams can come true, that the ‘curses’ people put on us (family beliefs, or bad things people have said to us) have no power, and can’t hold us back. I love thinking that my dreams will come true.
Something he said toward the end of this book rang a chord of memory for me, like a giant reminder. It was like having a window thrown open and seeing bright sunlight, instead of a gray drizzly day. He said “The best is yet to come”. And you know what? I believed him. He did it again. I don’t care how old you are, or how scared you are, or how sad you are, or how bad it’s been, it CAN get better and there is always hope. So I am sharing that with you, and wanted to remind you of it. I needed the reminder too. I felt as though I’d been lifted up when I read it, and was almost saying to myself “Yes…..that’s right!!!….” So now I’m telling you, the best is yet to come. I believe it, and I hope you do too. It helps hearing it, and remembering it, even in tough times…..the best is yet to come!!!
Love, Danielle
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Thank you for that Danielle.
How did you know I needed to hear that today? Especially about dreams coming true. All of my life, ever since I was a little girl, I would set goals for myself and each one was reached at some point in my life. But recently, in the last 5 years or so, I have been slowly on a downslide thinking my ultimate dream goal will never happen. Life happens and gets in the way sometimes setting us back a few steps. Lately, I feel as though I have been set back several thousand feet instead of just a few steps! It’s hard to pick yourself up and dust yourself off and keep moving forward when there are so many obstacles in the way, you know?
So, thank you for blogging about this subject! You could not have picked a better time of year to do it too! What a wonderful, insightful, person you are, Danielle. I think I will add Joel Osteen’s book to my Xmas wish list this year because it’s exactly what I need – a major pick-me-up. Danielle, do you realize how many people you help out there just by being YOU? I hope so…because I really do love who you are as a person. I hope you have a Merry Christmas and a wonderful, happy, healthy, New Year. (((HUGS)))
esimada y querida amiga:me lleve una sorpresa al ver tu nuevo sitio,es genial asi podemos escribirte y contarte cosas de nuestras vidas,y saber como estas tu,se te ve muy bella y radiante como si para ti no pasaran los años y me alegro que sea asi,realmente eres una mujer increible y sabes porque?sos mundialmente conocida una de las mejores escritoras y tienes esa humildad que gana los corazones si o si hay que quererte,me llena de felicidad de solo escribirte y te acuerdes de mi,te deceo con todo mi corazon que pases estas fiestas con felicidad.un abrazo de una amiga que te aprecia de corazon.helena de argentina.
Thank you, Danielle, for this inspiring blog! I’ve googled Joel Osteen (I’m from Germany and have never heard of him) and just ordered his first book. I’ve been listening for the past days to many of his sermons on Youtube and loved his message. I’m not religious, have never read a line in the Bible, but I like his message behind these words that he’s citing from the Bible. I like the way he talks about accomplishing one’s dreams, about being grateful, about saying positive things about oneself and the others.
So thanks for letting me know who Joel Osteen is! If I had not read your blog, I wouldn’t have found out of him. And I think I’m learning a lot for my life from his sermons!
I wish you a Merry Christmas and all the best in the world!!
Anna-Maria from Germany
Dear Ms. Danielle Steel,
Appreciate your generous understanding on human beings. Because way of thinking is really up to individuals. Depends on what kind of background they have, what kind of DNA they have, and so on. The important thing is how to make us happy and not bother other people’s life, and in case they need help we extend our assistance as much as possible. Especially this year in Japan we need such understanding toward people who suffered from the big earthquake in March 11, 2011. We cannot help wondering why such a lot of lives were lost there. Thank you for your wisdom at all times.
Toshiaki Hida
December 22, 2011
I’ve been feeling hopeless for so long. Divorces, my mother’s death, single motherhood, & financial strife-at the limits of my physical, emotional, & finacial resources-without any hope in sight. Thank you for the spark of hope. I hope I can hold on to it.