8/16/16, Happy Day
Hi Everyone,
I’ve had a busy week as the last of the summer flies by. My birthday was last weekend, a day that I’ve disliked (and sometimes hated) all my life. Mid-summer birthdays aren’t much fun for a child, when everyone is away, and I can only remember celebrating my birthday once as a child. So by the time I grew up, I had decided that birthdays were definitely not fun. But my children, and their father have worked hard to turn that around. (I am the original birthday Grinch, although I LOVE Christmas!!!). I usually growl a lot beforehand, say I don’t want to celebrate it, and adding years never seemed like fun to me. When I was married to my children’s father, he gave me some wonderful birthday parties, and my children go all out to make the day fun. We usually go away together for a long weekend, and enjoy the time together. They spoil me with presents (used to make me macaroni necklaces, and decorated tissue boxes, and I loved all of it, and still have it all). And now, they really give me incredibly thoughtful gifts, funny things, and serious ones, a piece of jewelry, and fun shoes and pretty sweaters, books, framed photographs and fun pieces of art, and there are always things that make me laugh—my fetish for sayings and words!!!
We had four days together in the Napa Valley, everyone hung out in the pool in hundred degree weather, we ate at home, a Mexican lunch, a barbecue one night, an Italian dinner, a big brunch. I love being with them, and spending the whole day with them, which is the best gift of all. And this year was especially nice. We all relaxed, played Scrabble, and told funny stories and teased each other as big families do. Every year, I am convinced that THIS was the best birthday of all. I was with 6 of my children, (2 of them were away), the very best friend of one of my sons who is very special to all of us and dear to me, and one of my daughter’s fiancé. Meals were noisy and fun, we danced in the kitchen one night. And they are definitely making a convert of me year by year. They had a cake again this year that was a work of art, and an exact replica of my Chihuahuas, and I wouldn’t let anyone eat it, again!!! (I didn’t last year either, the cake was too beautiful to cut into!!) So we had a second cake for everyone to enjoy. The day and the weekend couldn’t have been more wonderful, more thoughtful, generous, or loving….I had a great birthday, thanks to them, and all the thoughtful things they did to make it fun for me!!!
For me, the summer is pretty much over after my birthday. By the next day, I’m back at my desk, working, getting ready for the fall. I won’t see my kids all together again for a while. So work will keep me busy. And the birthday I just had will make me smile whenever I think of it, for a long, long time to come!!! Have a great week!!!
love, Danielle
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Hi Danielle,
You may not like your birthday, but I celebrate it as the day, you came into my life and turned it around. I wrote to you a long time ago and told you how I found one of your books, in the middle of the floor in a house my husband and I were about to rent. It didn’t have a cover on it and at that time, (early 90’s) I had not heard of you. The book was Fine Things and that winter after I read it, I was hooked on your work and also began writing myself. I am still hooked on your work, as a matter of fact my husband built shelves for me to put your books on in the room where I write. You are still my inspiration, silent mentor and guru. I will never forget that day. So like it or not…I celebrate August 14! Love, Joann M~
Belated Happy Birthday!!!! You and I share the same sun sign – how cool is that?! 😀
Enjoyed reading this as it made me smile, Danielle.
You have a great gift for writing and you have used it well.
Truth, Wisdom, Love and Sincerity, to ALL Mankind.
Rob Scott
Oaxaca, Mexico
Dear Danielle,
Sounds like your birthdays are very special! Happy Belated Birthday and thank you for sharing the details of your day! Looking forward to reading your 2 newest books, which are on my library waiting list!
Belated happy birthday! You’re indeed a blessing to us,readers … a gift from God. You’ve touched many lives. Your birthday is worth celebrating for us… God bless you…always.. – love, edith
Many happy returns, including your fans all over the world!
Happy belated birthday wishes. May God give you good health, energy and wisdom to write a lot of books year after year!
With love and best wishes,
Helen Hu
from Melbourne, Australia
Belates happy birthday, Danielle..wishing you all the best always…always been an avid fan of yours…take care..<3
I wish you a belated Happy Birthday. Yes, it is always fun when someone remembers your birthday as you grow older. I just moved to Sebastopol, Ca. so I know the area where you spent your birthday. I love it here. Have more fun writing. Best Regards Stella Ann