11/2/15, Halloween wrap up
Hi Everyone,
I hope you had a great week. I spent mine glued to my typewriter all week, writing till 4 am every night. I had to leave the house once for a few hours, but normally I don’t go out at all when I’m writing…..so I was a hard working writer for Halloween!!!
I had to share with you the aftermath of Halloween. We’ve always taken Halloween, and costumes, seriously in our family. When the kids were little, they would plan their costumes for months. Mermaids, witches, Star Wars characters (I was Princess Leia once!!!). And my children have gone on and on and on dressing up on Halloween long after they were children. One of their best ones was one of daughters as a Matador a few years ago, she looked fabulous. They’ve done TV characters, political figures and some truly crazy stuff, all in good fun!!!
This Halloween, one of my daughters was a race car driver, another was a skeleton and looked adorable. And my kids dress up their dogs too. One daughter’s Chihuahua wore a poncho and a sombrero this year, my son dressed his adorable dog up as a Hawaiian tourist in a Hawaiian shirt and straw hat, and another daughter’s Yorkie was Madonna this year—in a platinum blonde wig!!! My two little Chihuahuas were going to be ballerinas, but since I was working I didn’t dress them. Oops, I forgot!!!
But the real winner this year was my daughter Victoria, who dressed up for Halloween as—–Me!!! I laughed when I saw the picture because she picked up on my all my ‘quirks’. I wear lots and lots of bracelets on both arms, and she said she wore every bracelet she had. My daily ‘uniform’ when I’m working (that’s most of the time) is a black turtleneck sweater, jeans and loafers. I wear reading glasses—-and also distance glasses, and usually wind up with both sets of glasses on my head. I have very long hair, and almost always wear it pulled back in a ponytail, so she did (although I have red hair, and she’s blonde) I wear a necklace with a cross, so she wore that too. Victoria looked a whole lot prettier than I do in all of it…..she looked adorable, and while I was working, that photo popped up and I REALLY laughed—–and I had to share it with you!!

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I hope you had a TERRIFIC Halloween, whether you wore a costume or not!!! Take care!! Have a wonderful week.
love, Danielle
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Hi Danielle,
Great costume! Your daughter looks so much like you! (love the double glasses).
Hi Danielle, Wow, how busy you are! I loved seeing your daughter’s picture. Yes I
noticed your style on your book jacket covers…bracelets, earrings and a beautiful long ponytail which i have adopted too….I dislike getting haircuts that grow out so darn quickly! We had 40 kids Halloween night…mostly little princesses and scary skeletons and pirates. We saw the movie Remember….I highly recommend it.
A Saturday matinee is so much fun with popcorn,pop and a bit of chocolate. My 91 yr. old mother liked it too as she was in Germany during the war, in a Russian work camp.Take care Danielle…very grateful for the wonderful stories…I have finished Happy Birthday and am now reading Family Album.
Hi, Miss Danielle!!! How I look forward to hearing about Halloween celebrations from year to year. In the Philippines, I think you can hear about it and witness it mostly in malls around the country. We do have Halloween decorations of various kinds at home and at the workplace- skeletons in dark hat and matching long dress yelling for help of some sort, a pretty cute witch dressed in yellow laughing merrily as anyone passes by, and I see trick or treating only on TV- which look and sound always exciting. Reads like you always have a happy Halloween. Victoria looks great, by the way, just like you. And how I always love it hearing about your writing, since it inspires me about writing continually as well- how I find myself often daydreaming about the past, what’s happening now and what’s to come and beyond- but then putting all of it in written words helps me clarify it all- and how I wish it helps others, too. My warmest greetings and smiles to you, and Happy belated Halloween!! 🙂
Cute story!
Don’t know how you can work with all that jewelry on, I have to remove my watch, rings, bracelets, earrings, etc., before I can type on my computer-the pieces make me feel confined!
Awww….that’s so sweet!
Thanks for excusing my delay to answer you on Bloom, but it is not easy!
hahaha..Victoria really looks like you…the two glasses…hahahahahaha…
I didnt wear a costume but went to a motor club party. I hought it was going to be scaring, but it was a very familiar place and all kids were in costumes.
It was a very good halloween!
Have a great week.
Love always,
too cute….she looks just like you!!!
Until 4:00 of the morning, normal (!), with a new armchair one can work one hour more! There thus remain nothing any more but 8-4=4 h of sleep, except, of course, if you rise a little later…!
Patience, Danielle, they soon will still invent a masseur of cervicals telescopic for novelists (intending during Halloween to transfer as a bald person mouse)… a work hour more… more than 3 hours of sleep! Progress is not stopped!
Does one have to start to worry for your health, your sight?
Victoria, the posture of your mom is also the same one?!
Apparently you seem wise and inoffensive but in reality you do not mislead, the beautiful little angel which you see here in photograph is not without mischievousness!
Its mom all bewitched us since years and Victoria succeeds there too! Whole trucks of delicacies will do nothing there, assured jokes !
Thank you with you two, excel moment.
Ha Ha! I love that your daughter dressed up as you for Halloween. That is a very unique costume. Gives me an idea for next year!