10/12/15, Columbus Day Weekend
Hi Everyone,
I hope you had a good week. I’ve been writing a lot, so I’ve been buried at my desk, not paying much attention to anything else or what goes on around me. I always seem to write more in the fall and winter, so I don’t feel guilty (or cheated) when I’m locked up and can’t go out in pretty weather.
Lots of noise over my desk though!!! Every year on the Columbus Day weekend, there is a big air show in San Francisco: the Blue Angels, Navy pilots in fighter planes flying in tight formation, and doing all kinds of breathtaking stunts and tricks—-and they make a HUGE amount of noise. They used to fly very low, I once literally saw the face of one of the pilots as they flew past my house. They dont fly as low now, I think the city complained. But they are very impressive, and practice all week over the Bay. Warships come into the Bay the week before and are still there. And every sailboat in the Bay is lined up to get a better view as they flash by. It really is impressive, though noisy when I try to write, and since this is high writing season for me (I’m always working on a book this time of year), it’s distracting while I try to write. But nonetheless impressive to watch. One year, it was foggy, as it often is in SF, and they had to cancel, and everyone was disappointed.
I heard that there were 2 more school shootings somewhere in the country this week. Please tell me the world hasn’t gone mad, and that this horrifying insanity will stop one of these days. You know how I feel about it, we all do.
I just finished a big writing project, and am hitting the road this week. This is one of my 4 city weeks when I visit all my kids as I trek across the world. I love doing it and seeing them. My dogs aren’t quite as happy about it, as I drag them with me too. And from the absurd to the ridiculous, my Chihuahuas will be ballerinas for Halloween this year!!! (last year bumble bees, the year before geisha girls). It’s good to do something silly and have a laugh sometimes. And they HATE their costumes, but they look so funny and cute.
Getting ready for Halloween….I can never resist it. The perfect excuse for chocolate in bite size candy bars, with the excuse that you’re giving them out to children (and I eat half of it myself!!!)
Take good care, be safe and happy, and I hope great things happen to you this coming week. Have a great one, and I just learned that I will be doing 4 Facebook ‘chats’ a year with readers from now on. I can’t wait!!!
All my good thoughts and love to you, Danielle
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Hi Danielle. Wow so exciting to hear about you writing and what you are currently doing in your life. We ,as Canadians, are celebrating Thanksgiving Day today. My two adult children will come for their holiday dinner in a couple of weeks. I live vicariously through my children’s travels abroad. My daughter and son-in-law are currently in Japan for three weeks on holiday. My daughter is a writer too, working for Free The Children. Danielle, I too had our Canadian Snowbird fliers fly in formation over my guard crossing intersection so very low and so booming loud! Their captain who attended a local high school in his youth, was killed during a performance,and every day after Labor Day, they do a flyby to honor his memory. It is so moving. Have a fabulous week! I’m currently reading Echoes.God Bless.
Hi Danielle,
Can’t wait to FB ‘chat’ with you.
Much love,
Asavari 🙂
Great as always to read something from You… and nice to hear you’re doing chats again. Thanks a lot,Miss Danielle!!!
id love to see the presentantion on the Bay.
hope I can chat with you on FB.
Love always,
What is this big writing project? It prances impatient to know.
Could it a play … a musical … a movie script … a TV series … a love story twists in 30 volumes (which are the main characters?!) … I certainly forget because with you everything is possible!
Nice, this weekend with you and this magnificent panoramic view of the SF Bay. One could watch these beautiful yachts. In my opinion, the aircraft pilot was amused to scare you!
Your two Chihuahuas my writing “Help, it persecutes us! ”
Good round the world but do not leave us without news!
Please inclose pictures of ballerinas after Halloween. I love my doggy very much, but you could NOT dress her up!!
En “Off”, merci de ne pas publier.
“My old typewriter and i are very sad”
Coucou Danielle !
Surtout ne pleure pas! Surtout ne souffre pas!
Je comprend, c’est une amitiĂ© de longue date (49 ans), outre les 150 livres que tu as vĂ©cu avec elle, combien de fois t’a-t-elle vu rire et pleurer, combien d’heures, de jours de nuits avez vous partagĂ©! Elle Ă©tait fidèle, toujours lĂ , tu la touchais, la sentais et elle te donnait toujours ce que tu attendais d’elle. Tu lui parlais et elle te rĂ©pondait. Dans tes moments de solitude, de dĂ©prime peut-ĂŞtre, elle et toi vous vous Ă©vadiez de ce monde avec les ailes de ton amour et vous trouviez le bonheur la haut, oĂą, passĂ© les nuages, le ciel est tout bleu et oĂą le soleil te rendait tendrement amour, chaleur, couleurs, clartĂ©, puretĂ©, infini …
Vous étiez très attachés mais aujourd’hui est un jour nouveau.
Il faut que tu la remplaces par du matériel qui dure, au moins 37 ans !!!
Vous allez vous chercher tous les deux au dĂ©but, il faudra qu’il te donne des preuves, des certitudes, qu’il mĂ©rite ta confiance. Il faudra qu’il soit solide quand tu le frappera de colère, lorsqu’il t’Ă©nervera, tentera de te dĂ©courager en ne comprenant rien aux femmes (!) ou quand tu seras triste ou Ă©puisĂ©e.
Cet outil Ă crĂ©er du bonheur va vite prendre conscience de la chance qu’il a d’ĂŞtre avec toi, presque tout le temps. Des liens intimes vont se tisser entre vous, il te fera oublier, il t’entraĂ®nera dans la nouveautĂ© et te poussera Ă regarder loin devant toi.
Il en aura de la chance de te voir et te parler tous les jours, parfois toutes les nuits! Je l’envie !
(Twit du 11/19/15 “See comment by email 10/12/15”)